Friday, February 8, 2008

I Believe in Oil and Vinegar

There are some combinations that our society today makes, that at first glance, no one really understands. Almost everything in our world today has an opposite, spring and fall, math and English, as well as oil and vinegar. By some way of nature more times than not, “opposites attract”. Having these opposites attract and challenge each other brings about better end results. I believe in oil and vinegar. Now not just because it tastes good on a sub sandwich, but because without opposites our world wouldn’t be flavorful.
Last year, I had an academic class consisting of twelve people, this is a very small class for that level. In the class we only had about three boys plus the teacher. The teacher was very enthusiastic about this subject matter, however, none of the other boys really spoke much about it. The majority of the class was quiet girls; who were shy, and intimidated to speak their opinions. In stead they would always agree to what everyone said. For example, you could say the sky was green, and the grass was blue. They would know that statement was not true, but they would say instead, “Yes, their was a hint of green in the sky.”
There is nothing wrong with being shy and soft spoken although it makes it hard to have a discussion based class, when no one speaks. At the end of the school year, everyone received their final grade, and went on with their lives. Never striving to do anymore with the material we learned.
This year, I have another small class, this one of about fifteen individuals. This group of kids could not be more different. In the class you have, the math nerd, the tank, the druggie, the president, the pirate, just to name a few. None of these characters are afraid to speak their mind or challenge other’s opinions. Knowing all this you may be surprised as to how much we have accomplished. We all had to come together and work on one group project. Agree on a theme, build a robot, build the course, do documentation, program the robot. All of these tasks had to be completed by the fifteen of us, over the matter of two months or so. The ideas each of came up with, were challenged, verbally argued over, and defended. Finally after about a week of disagreeing over every possible topic, we put our ideas together decided to proceed with the project. You would think that a group of 15 stubborn teenagers who did nothing but disagree for a week, would just say forget it. However, we pushed forward, and when the competition rolled around, we placed in the top three. Who would have thought it? You may ask how can a class that is so very different and argumentative go to competitions and win. Easy, we are different, and as strong headed as each of us are, our willingness to be an individual and critique others only makes us stronger.
Who puts just oil on a sandwich? It is nothing without the vinegar. Success does not come without challenges or opportunities to prove you point. Oil floats on vinegar, and when they are together they become stronger, only after be tested. I believe that everyone needs an opposite, a challenge to become stronger. Where would we be with out them?


B3astOfTheEast said...

Lauren I really enjoyed reading your paper and watching your video. I believe truly that opposites attract and this comes from my own experiences. I don't know how you came up with such an idea of using oil and vinegar but it is a great example. I would of never thought to have used that. I liked how you showed with last years class how everyone was the same and little was accomplished. And then you compared that to this years class and showed how differences accomplish so much more and it makes the idea of "opposites attract" so much more understandable. I think you did a wonderful job and loved the video with the effects.

ophelia said...

Great imagery.... Oil and vinegar. I particularly like your comment that "without opposites our world wouldn't be flavorful." It caused me to recall various people I have known as well as various students in my classes. A little vinegar always helps to spice the salad!

Something I thought about as I read: oil and vinegar do not blend. One can shake the two and break the liquids into small particles, but once the container is set down, the liquids separate, remaining individual. We can mix with others, but in the end, we remain our own persons.

Thank you for sharing.